Wednesday, March 24, 2021

An Introduction

You're probably wondering what this is.

Long story short, I don't like social media websites. They annoy me, and the all-around irritating atmosphere of those websites doesn't inspire me to post updates on them frequently, much less document my entire life and times on them the way most people do. As if that weren't enough, longstanding and developing censorship trends on social media platforms leave me unable to post everything I feel like without worry of said posts being taken down by some polo-shirt wearing office worker who doesn't understand me.

That's where this place comes in. I've built it as a sort of hub to post updates, write rambling messages, preview material/releases, and toss my unfiltered thoughts on things into the world. I'll be posting here much more frequently than any of my 'standard' social media accounts, and I'll also be sharing some things I don't think I'd be able to get away with on those platforms anytime soon. Nothing like a little freedom of speech to help keep you sane.

This is my underground lair. Watch where you step.
